CANCELED - Sylt Summertime Party 2020
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The tickets remain valid for the next year and participants will receive further information directly from the organizer.

The following message was provided to us by the organizer! 

Dear party participants and guests of the island of Sylt ,

We have been working intensively on preparing the party over the last few months and have now made the decision to cancel our 23rd Summertime Party due to the current situation.

The final decision was very difficult for us and we took our time on the board to wait for all developments and to coordinate with all the island decision-makers. From our point of view, there was ultimately no other option than to cancel the party.

The decisive factor for this decision, which was not easy for us, was, on the one hand, that we were advised to do so by the island's politicians, the mayors, the spa directors and business associations; However, what was and is primarily crucial is our concern for the health risks associated with any eventual implementation for the guests and especially our members. Even if events the size of our party were permitted in June - which is by no means certain - it is definitely clear that at this point in time the Corona crisis and the associated, potentially significant risks to the health of all guests, our members and... not overcome by everyone on the island.

KessTech Pro-Line exhaust system

We will take you to the promenade in detail in a video message next week and tell you more about the background.

Towards the end of next week we will send mail to all registered participants with a reply to us, in which everyone can decide whether to rebook for 2021 or whether to refund the participation fee.

Finally, we have a big REQUEST for you. Please do not send us any further individual requests about refunds, why it was canceled, or why the party couldn't have taken place, etc. etc. ... exercise patience and everything will come in its own time, because that's the only way we can move forward quickly.

Stay healthy!

Your friends from the Sylt Chapter

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  1. Let's think about how much noise and exhaust fumes we humans and nature will be spared this year? Selfishness and having fun at the expense of others? Called solidarity when the cloak of…I am an important economic factor…is spread? A conscience? Only if it doesn't spoil your fun? Greetings from Gisa ziebarth

    1. Your limiting of fun is also a form of selfishness, why should you travel, play golf, ride a motorcycle, hike, or play football, for fun perhaps? Anything I don't like is forbidden.

    2. Anyone who really believes that Germany can save the world by avoiding all kinds of leisure activities and especially leisure activities with motor/petrol-powered vehicles is taking drugs or is seriously ill.
      Environmental protection is not about protecting your own front door and at the same time accepting that we are implementing our electromobility at the expense of other, poorer countries... shipping electronic waste, old cars and plastic garbage to poor countries, but here we are against people who just want to have fun together.
      I say “Ugh” to these hypocrites and nonsense talkers.

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