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Harley Days Dresden 2025

Müller Motorcycles Hydro Clutch

July 25th July 27th

Harley Days Dresden 2025

The Harley Days Dresden will take place from July 25th to 27th, 2025.

Dealer and restaurant mile, test drives and live music - starts on Friday from 2 p.m.!

The Harley Days Dresden

The event in beautiful Dresden has great potential, really nice people who are working with passion on the future of the event for us Harley enthusiasts and Harley lovers. It's not easy these days to be able to hold a motor event, which is why they need our support all the more. Be there in July, experience the event, the beautiful city and go on trips to explore the beautiful area. Harleysite is also there and with a bit of luck, I'll even have a photo for you 🙂 .

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Big parade through Dresden

Harley-Davidson is celebrating one of the highlights of the motorcycle season with Harley Days Dresden in the magnificent capital of Saxony.

Dresden will once again be the hub of the German petrolhead and V-twin scene from July 25th to 27th, 2025. The setting for people, music and engines is once again the Rinne, an eight-hectare open-air area at the trade fair in the heart of the city.

Here visitors will find a festival tent city with a retail and restaurant mile as well as a large Main Street that can be conquered by the guests' machines.

Reserve your hotel room for Harley Days Dresden 2024 here now!

Dealer mile and live bands

The shopping area offers everything from scarves to helmets and jewelry to custom parts that will make bikers' hearts beat faster, and of course you will also find an open-air stage where several strong live bands will perform every day.

The Harley Days Dresden aftermovie 2023


The crazy, sometimes bizarre and always fascinating custom bikes are anything but normal - motorcycles to dream about, which will face the strict judgment of an expert jury at the custom bike show.

If you would like to take part in the bike show, you should park your beautiful bike in front of the show stage in the bike show area on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. The evaluation by an expert jury will take place until 5:00 p.m. It is always a good thing to show what special things you have done to refine your bike in the form of photos and explanations. This means that even viewers who are not entirely familiar with the subject can learn more about how a custom bike conversion comes about.

Custombike Show 2025 - Bad Salzuflen motorcycle fair


Test rides on the latest Harley-Davidson motorcycles

Motorcycle license holders can get into the saddle of a 2025 Harley-Davidson and take it for a test ride. Harley-Davidson has the large US truck arrive in Dresden, which is packed with the latest models. You should have a helmet, jacket and long trousers with you; the test rides are free.

Harley-Davidson offers you the opportunity to try out the current models. Shortly before the event, the test ride butler will be activated and you can reserve your desired bike in advance. The exact Harleys that are available for test drives are always listed. Of course you can also test more than just one model, just give it a try.

Guided trips from the Dresden Chapter Germany

Winding roads in the middle of one of the country's most important national parks, Saxon Switzerland, can be found - for example on guided tours of the regional HOG chapter - just a few kilometers from Dresden. There is a HOG area on the event site where I can register you for the respective tours.

Harley Days Dresden tour suggestion

Link to the article on Harleysite.de

Harley-Davidson parade through Dresden

Participants in the large motorcycle parade, which will lead across Dresden, will get an impression of the charm of the city, which is over 800 years old.

The parade starts at the Ostragehege on Sunday at 12 p.m. Like the entire event, the parade is open to all brands and every biker is welcome.


Arrival at the campground is possible on Thursday from 6:00 p.m. and on Sunday the area should be left clean and tidy by 6:00 p.m.



Rinne Dresden
Dresden , Saxony 01067 Germany View Google Map

Ext. Web link Harley Days Dresden


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