First day of the Custombike Show Bad Salzuflen 2014

Today the gates to the Custombike Show in Bad Salzuflen opened, like every year at the beginning of December. The event was also very well attended on Friday, but it really gets going on Saturday and Sunday, which are the busiest days every year. And this year it's worth it again, some custom bike forges from last year aren't there this time, but the carousel is turning, but there are no others with a stand that you haven't seen before.

Not much spectacular has happened at the Biker Build-OFF Show today. Friday is the so-called wedding, where the engines are used, but the tension increases on Saturday when things take more shape.


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But the big star this year is not a bike or a bike builder, no! You may not want to believe it, but it is actually the well-tattooed fire show Lady Cervana Fox, she comes to the show directly from New Zealand via England to Bad Salzuflen, with over 750,000 thousand. Her level of popularity cannot be denied by her own Facebook fans. She performs all over the world, check out her show when you're at the fair.  

You can find strikingly beautiful paintwork again this year, it's a very important part, when it comes to the perfect bike, you can get suggestions or visit an airbrusher you trust at the stand.

You get the impression that the old style is getting stronger and stronger, while the bagger mania is becoming increasingly popular in the USA, you can find more and more cool bobber bikes here. Some of them can also be seen at the trade fair; as usual, none of them are alike. The rockabilly scene is there again, on the upper floor there is a cult barber who cuts your hair on site, you have to check it out, cool style.

Of course there are also some tour operators, if you are looking for information for a planned tour you will get it. Harley-Davidson Bielefeld and Harley-Davidson Thunderbike are positioned large, with the latest Harley bikes in their luggage and available for inspection. You can also find BMW, Suzuki or the big BossHoss machines at the trade fair. All in all, it's worth stopping by again at the end of the season, you'll meet a lot of people from the scene again, that's part of it. The Huber publishing house is once again throwing a lot of magazines onto the market, and people are happy to pick them up from time to time.

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