Hamburg Harley Days meets drive-in cinema 2020
Mdag Messebau - We rock it!


We will rock you! The Hamburg Harley Days will be rescheduled at the drive-in cinema

The Biker City event in an adapted form on the Heiligengeistfeld

Harley fans should mark this date in red on their calendar: The Hamburg Harley Days , which had to be canceled this year due to the cancellation of all major events, will take place in the drive-in cinema in 2020. On Saturday, August 8th , the drive-in cinema on Heiligengeistfeld to all motorcyclists and Harley fans .

For the first time, there is a motorcycle ticket that allows motorcyclists to drive around the cinema grounds on their bikes and make themselves comfortable in comfortable chairs LED walls These seats are positioned in such a way that the prescribed minimum distance is maintained. Headphones are provided on site - if the motorcycle has a radio, this can of course provide the right sound.

With “Bad Boys for Life” , “Le Mans 66 – Against Every Chance” and “Easy Rider” films that capture the Harley spirit will be shown. But since the Harley Days cannot do without live entertainment, the drive-in cinema is presenting the musical live show “We will rock you” by and with speaker Uwe Bahn on this evening.

Uwe Bahn, TV & radio presenter and sought-after speaker, tells the story of rock music in a different way. For example, how he fought folk music in his parents' house with Status Quo. Or how the cold buffet was thrown at him during his first interview with KISS. Uwe Bahn was the last person to interview a famous rock star before his death. In “Rock in Heaven” he appears with the “Club 27”, rock stars who all died at the age of 27. He spent the last few days with Genesis in Miami before their world tour and can report fits of laughter under the influence of Budweiser together with Phil Collins.

A lot of storytelling, a personal look “backstage” and historical information from rock history: Uwe Bahn presents the greatest rock albums of all time, lets you guess rock LP covers and is in constant interaction with the audience. He shows how a device can already replace a band in rock music. A rocking performance with lots of music, guitars and a lot of fun.  

Excerpts and small films from past Hamburg Harley Days provide nostalgia and anticipation for the 2021 event summer.

The limited Hamburg Harley Days 2020 merchandise “Keep on riding” is also being sold – a 10% discount is available at the drive-in cinema exclusively on the special edition pins, patches and shirts. Anyone who comes in the 2020 shirt they have already purchased will receive a large bag of popcorn for free upon entry.

Of course, other bikes and cars are also welcome. The car tickets cost as usual €12 per person, bikers pay €16, pillion riders €8.

Harley-Davidson Münsterland

Tickets available now here:

Unfortunately, it's not really clear on the page where you can order the ticket. Please click on the time for the respective film and then you'll be taken to ordering your tickets.

Order your drive-in cinema Hamburg ticket here!
Order your drive-in cinema Hamburg ticket here!

Film screenings

14:15 Easy Rider (Cinema 1)

15:30 Le Mans 66 – Against Every Chance (Cinema 2)

8:00 p.m. We Will Rock You – concert film by AC/DC plus keynote concert about the history of rock music by and with Uwe Bahn (cinema 1)

9:30 p.m. Bad Boys for Life (Cinema 2)

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