Peter Maffay – Hallelujah (Harleylujah)
Peter Maffay – Hallelujah (Harleylujah)
While others are still talking, Peter Maffay long since used the power of his popularity to improve the world a little bit.
His strength must be almost infinite if you see the dedication with which an artist of this caliber fights for his projects. I have already had the honor of riding “Radeln” shelter for disadvantaged children and young people .
He actually doesn't need anyone, he would have the financial support himself, but his projects should still exist without him for many years to come. And those who help also think about it and talk about the Peter Maffay Foundation . That's why it appeals to a lot of people and so those it's about get attention.
When he gives the children his hands, they feel his warmth! For many, it's a feeling they've never known before. It gives them a new perspective, or just a different world for a time, shows them how nature works and brings some light into the dark lives of children and young people.
Despite his busy schedule, he sees the children as often as he can, which always gives him the incentive to do more and encourages sponsors such as Volkswagen or Harley-Davidson and many other loyal helpers among his fans .
He wants more, he wants people to become aware of the problems and get involved. And he achieves this by fighting tirelessly year after year.