Are Harley-Davidson shares rising again now?
Harley -Davidson shares are taking a turnaround. In general, the investment markets are very nervous at the moment and not for the faint of heart. Today there are the first reports, for example from Bö , that the Harley-Davidson share is rising again in the BOTSI® Advisor and is now ranked 247th. In March 2022 it was still very much in the 100th place.
According to Tradingview the Harley-Davidson share price initially reached its low point at around €28.00 and is now back at around €32.00. In the last few months it has always fluctuated between €33 and €38.
Although we are currently not hearing any good reports from the Harley-Davidson warehouse, the share price has recovered a little. This could be a good sign in advance, or just a fake out. Tradingview's analyst rating is hovering more in the neutral range again.
The upcoming news about the current production stop at Harley-Davidson will have a certain relevance for the share price. Some take a risk and buy cheaply; if the news is positive, they will certainly be the winners. There is still no information about the production and delivery stop.
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