Lienen – motorcycle inspections in Holperdorp
On Easter Monday (April 18th), the traffic service of the Steinfurt district police carried out motorcycle checks on Holperdorper Straße in sunny spring weather. A laser speed measuring device and a civilian video motorcycle were also used.
In addition to technical changes, officials also discovered various defects in some motorcycles. In five vehicles the defects were so serious that the drivers were banned from continuing their journey. On a Harley-Davidson, for example, the primary drive cover was removed.
This must be closed under all circumstances due to the risk of injury. In addition to being banned from continuing the journey, the driver can now expect to receive an administrative offense report, a fine and a point in Flensburg. Motorcycles were also found to have had their rear silencers manipulated.
This has an impact on the noise generated by the motorcycles. These changes represent a significant noise nuisance for residents. Two residents were given the opportunity to take part in the inspection in order to enter into a dialogue with the cyclists. A 27-year-old Dutchman was the sad leader in the speed checks.
He was clocked at 93 km/h in a 50 zone. During the subsequent inspection, the officers discovered that the db killer was missing from the rear silencer of the motorcycle. The Dutchman had to pay a three-digit security line. A total of 18 reports were made during the inspections and 11 warning fines were collected.
For many motorcyclists the season has just begun. The Steinfurt district police authority will therefore continue to carry out regular motorcycle checks throughout the district in the next few months. Always only ride a technically perfect and roadworthy motorcycle and stick to speed limits - for your own safety and the safety of all other road users.
Report from the police Steinfurt police