2018 – 60 years of Harley-Davidson motorcycle helmets – the first Harley-Davidson hard-shell helmets appeared in 1958

2018 – American Chopper is back on Discovery Channel. After a 10 year break they are back with their successful TV show in the USA. The Orange County Choppers fan base is still large worldwide
2018 – Harley-Davidson introduces the Sportster models Iron 1200 and Forty-Eight Special
Harley-Davidson Museum turns ten
2018 - The Harley-Davidson Museum turns ten - Visitors will find around 8,000 exhibits on 12,000 m², including around 170 historic motorcycles.

2018 – The Rolling Stones play in Prague during the 115th Anniversary Party
2018 – The Harley Owners Group turns 35 years old. Willie G. and Nancy Davidson are members No. 1 and 2. In 1991, the HOG launched in Europe and with 873,000 members it is the largest, manufacturer-supported motorcycle club in the world.
The EU imposes punitive tariffs
2018 - Now it's official, the EU is imposing punitive tariffs on Harley-Davidson motorcycles
2018 – The Harley Days Dresden were canceled at short notice, the scene was in turmoil because it was at very short notice. The event is now starting again.
2018 - There is a rumor that Harley-Davidson wants to build a production facility in Berlin or Villach. The respective authorities immediately took action with their own advertising, but it only remained a rumor.
2018 – More Roads to Harley-Davidson announces plans to bring 100 new models to the road over the next 10 years.
2018 – For the first time, a customizer from Germany can be seen in the American Chopper Show. Aykut Tataroglu builds the GTO bike at OCC.

2018 - Harley-Davidson introduces the FXDR 114, which is intended to be the sporty replacement for the V-Rod.

2018 - Harley-Davidson launches a huge recall campaign, 238,380 motorcycles were called into the workshop because of clutch problems.
2018 - It was announced that there would be no Euro Festival in 2019 and the event will only take place again in 2020
2019 It is announced that the Harley Days Dresden will take place again.
2019 Harley-Davidson recalls 43980 Street 500 and 750 models due to brake issues
110 years ago, Harley-Davidson presented its first V2
2019 – 110 years ago, Harley-Davidson presented its first V2. The year was 1903 when Harley-Davidson sold its first motorcycles, built in a backyard shed in Milwaukee. The machine develops 7 hp from 811 cm3 and can reach over 100 km/h

2019 - Ford launches the new F-150 pickup in the Official Harley-Davidson version.
Arlen Ness died at the age of 79
2019 – Customizer legend Arlen Ness died at the age of 79. 's nickname in the scene, “The King of Custom Bikes,” reflects his success and his life's achievements.

2019 - Harley-Davidson sponsored drivers' licenses for 1,250 when purchasing a Harley-Davidson for a limited period of time. The campaign was very successful, but unfortunately came unplanned for some.
Lego Harley-Davidson Fat Boy as a kit
In 2019 Lego cooperated to build a Fat Boy as a kit for the first time.

Easy Rider star Peter Fonda has died
2019 – Easy Rider star Peter Fonda dies at the age of 79. Together with Dennis Hopper , Peter Fonda ushered the EASY RIDER Chopper era at the end of 1969. What would Born to be Wild be without the two cult stars Captain America and Billy Bike ?

2019 - Harley-Davidson launches an extensive Harley app, which in the future can be connected to the Harley on the large tourers and the LiveWire.
2019 - , Christian Arnezeder now also looks after the Northern European markets in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
2019 – Rick's Motorcycles celebrates its 25th company anniversary in Baden-Baden
2019 – Harley-Davidson delivers the first LiveWire orders of electric Harleys to customers at Christmas.