Harleysite police reports
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POL-OS: Bad Essen: Results of the focus inspection “Krad”

Osnabrück: Last Sunday there was another inspection day in the Bad Essen area with the focus on motorcycles. Motorized two-wheelers were checked for technical changes in the area of ​​Bad Essener Straße and Venner Egge. Officers also carry out speed checks. A total of 24 motorcycles and three cars were checked. In 15 cases, the following complaints arose, among others:

7 x expiry of the operating license, 1 x violation of the overtaking ban in the curve area of ​​the Venner Egge, 2 x speeding of 22 km/h for cars on Bad Essener Straße, 1 x speeding of 45 km/h for motorcycles on Bad Essener Straße

Several defects were discovered in one machine, which led to the immediate ban on further travel:

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The defects were: - Windscreen without approval - Low beam and high beam bulbs without approval - Brake light switch intentionally disconnected. Brake light not working – Exhaust/muffler leaking/fixing defective – DB Killer intentionally shortened – License plate lighting without approval – Reflector missing – Shift lever without approval – Fairing parts loose – Brake lever damaged – License plate angle too large.

Osnabrück police station

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