Book a test ride at the European Bike Week 2022 now via online reservation

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Book a test ride at the European Bike Week 2022 now via online reservation

New online DEMORIDES reservation tool!

Harley-Davidson activated the online booking tool for European Bike Week 2022 This means that you can make a plan in advance as to which of the 54 current Harley-Davidson models available at Lake Faaker See you would like to try out for a free test ride.

Harley-Davidson test drives
Book a test ride at the European Bike Week 2022 now via online reservation 4

  • Link to DEMORIDES reservation


REVMAX EXPERIENCE tours are brand new, here you can ride your dream bike for 2 hours on a guided tour along the most beautiful routes in Faak am See.

OFF-ROAD training with Harley-Davidson Pan America Off-ROAD instructor Ralle

Harley-Davidson Pan America Off-Road Instructor Rally
Harley-Davidson Pan America Off-Road Instructor Rally

The European Bike Week 2022 will take place again in its usual size at Lake Faak. The test drives can now be found again at the well-known location, on the corner of Bahnhofstrasse and Seeufer-Landstrasse. It is recommended to bring your own motorcycle clothing.

For the first time at the European Bike Week there is the opportunity to take part in OFF-ROAD training at the Pan America. If you want to be there, you should definitely bring proper OFF-ROAD motorcycle clothing.

Ralle is a Harley-Davidson instructor and gives you valuable tips on how to stay safe off-road on the Pan America.

Mick is also there, he has already taken part in the Paris-Dakar Rally 7 times and made it to the finish line 5 of them. It's scheduled to start again in 2023, but before that he'll be part of Harley-Davidson's Pan America OF-ROAD team at Lake Faaker See.

The tours also start at DEMORIDES, there are 6 places and Pan America Adventure Bikes available. A tour lasts approximately 1.5 hours and is free. Mick is from England, so you should be able to speak English and Ralle speaks German.

Anyone who enjoys OFF-ROAD driving has the opportunity to explore the capabilities of the Pan America guided by professionals.

Have fun!

Starting point of the DEMORIDES

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