ROKKER Charity Ride 2022 Lugano – Swiss Harley Days
Together and for a good cause at the Swiss Harley Days !
After four years of absence, it is finally time to hold a ROKKER Charity Ride again. For the sixth time, die-hard motorcycle riders are meeting with the aim of going
Harley Days All with the background of supporting a charitable cause. During the last event, over CHF 30,000 was collected and donated to two national foundations. A convoy of numerous motorcycles meanders from Pirates in Hinwil, via Bündnerbike in Maienfeld, over the Lukmanier to Lugano. A variety of winding pass roads and lively conversations about petrol round off the event perfectly. A unique experience is guaranteed for all participants and what is particularly noteworthy is the joint entry into Lugano, because the astonished faces of the guests present is a highlight in itself.
The ROKKER Charity Ride will take place on Friday, July 1st, 2022. Registration and further information at:
Included in the registration is “Kafi and croissants” at the meeting points, a delicious lunch on the way, a refreshing welcome drink in Lugano and a goodie bag with a T-shirt and other surprises.
Text & image credits Copyright Rokker Company