Harleysite Police Reports
Stralsund theft of a Harley-Davidson – witnesses wanted

Stralsund theft of a Harley-Davidson – witnesses wanted

Niepars: A 50-year-old German victim reported the theft of his motorcycle via the police emergency call yesterday (September 18th, 2022).

Between September 17th, 2022, 12:00 p.m. and September 18th, 2022, 12:30 p.m., a Harley-Davidson Type XL Softail with an OHV license plate worth around 34,000 euros was stolen by previously unknown perpetrators. The machine was stolen from a garage on Schwarzer Weg in Niepars. A theft report was filed by officers at the Barth police station.

The police are asking for the public's help. If you can provide relevant information, please direct it to the police in Barth (telephone: 038231/6720), the internet station of the MV state police ( www.polizei.mvnet.de ) or any other police station.