Harleysite Police Reports
Harley-Davidson Aachen Open House 2024

Traffic accident with one seriously and three slightly injured people

On Friday, July 30th, 2021, a 24-year-old from Bleckede is driving his Audi car on federal highway 4/242 coming from Hohegeiß towards Braunlage. At around 6:20 p.m. he carelessly wants to overtake two cyclists and two cars in front of a curve area (left curve in front of the old garbage dump). As he is about to overtake in the oncoming lane, a car from Nordhausen suddenly comes towards him from the curve. He cuts into his lane in front of one of the motorcycles, cutting into the Harley Davidson motorcycle of a 57-year-old from Berlin.

This means he has to take evasive action and initiate emergency braking. The Berliner falls and is slightly injured. This accident resulted in two subsequent accidents in the opposite direction in quick succession. A 22-year-old from Bremen is driving her Yamaha motorcycle on federal highway 4 coming from Braunlage towards Hohegeiß. Presumably due to inadequate speed and insufficient distance to a motorcycle in front, which brakes sharply due to the existing accident site, the 22-year-old falls and throws to the left into the ditch.

Another subsequent accident probably occurred due to improper speed, as a 20-year-old from Oldenburg was no longer able to stop his motorcycle Suzuki in time at the scene of the accident. He first crashes his motorcycle into a motorcycle that is already stationary. The 20-year-old's motorcycle then crashes into the left-hand ditch onto the 22-year-old from Bremen, who was already lying there in an accident, and her motorcycle.

In total, it is estimated that the five motorcycles involved suffered material damage totaling approximately 28,500 euros. The vehicles were recovered by various towing companies. Three cyclists were taken to surrounding hospitals with minor injuries by RTW. The 22-year-old from Bremen is seriously injured and taken to a university hospital by rescue helicopter. A total of four RTW (LK Goslar, LK Harz, LK Nordhausen) and an emergency ambulance, as well as Christoph 44, were deployed. The FFW Braunlage supported the first responders present on site, closed off a large area of ​​the accident area and cleaned the accident site. Federal Highway 4 was completely closed for the period of rescue and recovery work between 6:30 p.m. and around 8:30 p.m.

Harley-Davidson Münsterland

With many thanks to all first responders, fire departments and rescue workers.

iA Richter, POK

Goslar police station

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