Tribute to Dennis Hopper | Artist Michael Knepper
The internationally known painter Michael Knepper, particularly for his biker paintings and his “Out of Hell” calendar, has some new works that I would like to point out here.
His latest Easy-Rider picture (Under protection) and of course his most famous picture “Reminiscence” are also a homage to the recently deceased Dennis Hopper.
Together with Anatol Egbuna from Custom-Metal, Michael is exhibiting at both the Hamburg Harley Days and in Lübeck. (He also painted the magnificent poster for this event.)
If that's still not enough for you, you can also book a trip to the Sturgis Rally in the USA and admire your pictures in a large exhibition there. Or he can simply look at the current issue of “Bikerspower”, which published a great report about him.
Furthermore, Anatol and Michael are busy building the “out of hell” chopper
Motto: From paintings to the real thing!
Michael had the idea for this bike and found a congenial partner in Anatol to realize this project. Similar to the bike on the December page of the calendar (She-devil), this is an old-style chopper for which Thomas Habermann made the frame and Aykut from American Cycle supplied the wheels.
I'm excited to see what the "part" will look like. But anyone who knows Anatol and Michael knows that they will surprise us with something very extraordinary...