Rick's air filter for 2018 models with TÜV
Ricks air filter for 2018 models with TÜV
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Ricks air filter for 2018 models with TÜV

Rick's Motorcycles is one of the leading manufacturers of sophisticated custom parts and components. Rick's Design air filters have been a real top seller in the extensive range of parts from the Baden-Baden customizers for years. From now on, all Rick's air filter designs are also offered for the brand new 2018 Harley-Davidson Milwaukee-Eight models. The good thing about it is that Rick's air filters are delivered with a TÜV certificate and can therefore be installed legally and without hesitation.

The report applies not only to installation in combination with the standard Harley-Davidson systems, but also together with the equally legal, adjustable exhaust systems from Dr.
Jekill & Mr Hyde. The Baden-Baden parts manufacturer relied on the tried and tested Rick's concept when developing its air filters.
Maximum workmanship quality, optimal fit and unusual designs are typical Rick's features that also apply to the new air filters. “During the entire development of our air filters, we also focused on quality and design for the new generation,” says Patrick, the leading man at Rick's Motorcycles, “but we also made sure from the beginning that we could comply with the strict emission limits so that our filters Can also be safely and legally mounted on any 2018 Harley-Davidson with a Milwaukee-Eight engine.

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We are particularly pleased that, through our close collaboration with Dr.
Jekill & Mr. Hyde, one of the leading suppliers of adjustable exhaust systems, can offer a report that also applies to this manufacturer's entire product range. While the housing is elaborately milled from aluminum by Rick's Motorcycles, when it comes to the filter element they rely on the inserts from K&N, the leading manufacturer of high-quality air filters.
An improved look of the bike is of course an important reason for mounting it on a bike. However, the real engineering is to be found under the hood. The consistently flow-optimized design improves the air flow and can result in noticeably improved performance. And there is another detail that sets the air filters from Baden-Baden apart.

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During mixture preparation, minimal oil residues can get into the air filter, which in products from other manufacturers escape through the filter and leave unsightly “splatters” on the cylinders.
Rick's air filters are equipped with a sophisticated system that drains and returns the oil. In this way, said stains on the cylinders can be significantly minimized. Of course, Rick's Motorcycles continues to offer the air filters in all designs for all Twin Cam and Sportster engines and of course these also have the same sophisticated features under the hood as the new filters for the 2018 Harley-Davidson Milwaukee-Eight engines.

Tel.: +49(0)7221 3939 0

Rick's Motorcycles GmbH

Flugstrasse 1
D-76532 Baden-Baden/Germany

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